What's on my mind

Posts by Roderic Rennison, Author at Rennison Consulting

Why doing your homework on acquirers matters

3rd August 2022

Getting complete and satisfactory answers to the due diligence the sellers conduct is paramount. Organisations ranging from the Harvard Business School in the US to the Institute of Directors here in the UK all tell us that most corporate transactions – that is, sales – do not deliver long-term

Employee engagement in a Covid world

20th May 2022

The debate about working from home versus the office, whether part-time or full time, is an active one. With Jacob Rees-Mogg leaving notes on Civil Servants’ desks saying: “Sorry to have missed you”, as part of wider effort to get Civil Servants back to their offices, it is evident the debate

Give your website the attention it deserves

2nd March 2022

Nearly all financial intermediaries have a website; it is has become the norm. However, the way in which websites are perceived by advice firms differs. Some advisers regard it as a necessary chore while others see it is as an important marketing tool that can both deliver new clients and provide

Selling is not the only succession option

4th November 2021

Many business owners are inclined to sell their firms when looking to exit, but are they missing the numerous other options – and the impacts these can have on their financial plans? Currently, hardly a day goes by without the announcement of the sale of yet another financial advisory

Life after selling your business

26th August 2021

A major financial transaction such as this can create significant planning demands in your life. While much has been written about how to plan for, and then execute the successful sale of a financial planning firm, there is much less guidance and focus on what happens to the shareholders after the

How to know the time is right to sell your business

17th June 2021

One of the questions I am most often asked is, “When is the right time to sell my business?” A better question is, “How will I know it is the right time to sell my business?”. But, even then, there is no single answer. There are many factors that

So, you are thinking of selling your firm

26th March 2021

The sale of a financial services intermediary business is usually the single largest “capital event” for most owners. There is an old saying: “You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression”; it is one to bear in mind from the outset. In my experience of working

Preparing for the unexpected

11th March 2021

All firms should have a detailed risk plan in place. Here are the key considerations. Most business owners will have had to deal with occurrences they were not expecting. Examples include the death, disability or departure of colleagues or fellow directors and partners. Others can include legal disputes, IT issues, and

Acquisition rush risks due diligence failures

8th December 2020

Regular readers will have seen some of my thoughts about due diligence before, but I write this against the backdrop of significant deal activity in the sector. There is a rush, in some cases, to complete transactions prior to the next Budget, now scheduled for 11 March 2021, when there

Business during Covid: the six Cs

18th September 2020

The pandemic has been a chance to reflect, but there are issues to consider if you are planning to sell, acquire or pivot Regular readers of my Money Marketing columns will know I have a penchant for lists and alliteration. Set out below are my “six Cs”, as opposed to the recently

Writing & Speaking

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